Sunday, June 21, 2015

#‎YogaDay‬ Happy Birthday Yoga

Happy Birthday Yoga !! Proud moment for India. Pic: Adi Yogi (First Yogi - Lord Shiva) teaching yoga to SapthaRishis.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

#Yoga Day

Check out ART HOME Advertisors and Mithra Yoga's ‪#‎YogaDay‬ special. Deepak Avula Siddharth Watkins , Rent A Cam combination delivers another good one like emoticon. Congrats team.

Client :Dr.R.Ranganath Reddy (Kadapa) Production Banner : ART HOME PRODUCTIONS (9494083300) Supporting Banners : Veenaa Vedika,Rent a Cam Concept-Editing-Dia...

Thursday, June 18, 2015


"ఐనవారికి ఆకుల్లో కానివారికి కంచాలలో" అంటే ఏంటో చెప్పగలరా ? చెప్పగలరు. ప్రయత్నించండి....

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

NATS Short Film Corner

If you have your shortfilm ready send it to North America Telugu Society - NATS Shortfilm corner and get it Judged by eminent filmmakers.June15th is the last date. All the best.

Monday, June 8, 2015

ఐనా ఆగను.....

The fact that you are one among billions should only inspire you to work harder. Never give up. - Veenaa Vedika Team. Excellent lines bySreeRam Samji.