Monday, January 5, 2015

100 Crores for Kuchipudi:

 "Natyaramam" an institution dedicated to Kuchipudi with world class infrastructure will be ready by 2016 in Kuchipudi village, Andhra Pradesh. Anand Kuchibhotla garu of Silicon Andhra will be leading this effort. The way Anand garu along with his army of selfless Telugu language volunteers led 4th International Kuchipudi Convention, involving 6327 Kuchipudi dancers, 30,000 live audience,millions of viewers on Tv and Online reflects his commitment to this cause. So let's be assured of 'The Best'. Thanks to Andhra Pradesh Government and Honourable Chief minister Sri.Nara Chandrababu Naidugaru. Veenaa Vedika was fortunate to make a small contribution ($116) to this grand Kuchipudi event.

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